Alex’s Tweet (to be sent on 27SEP):

npx intuita next/13/app-router-recipe

Hey @nextjs friends & early adopters!

I know many of you are excited to migrate your projects to App Router for improved performance & devX, but the migration has been a pain.

In the below blog post, you can see a walkthrough of the migration for the cms-wordpress project using the Intuita code automation platform, which includes codemods, a VS Code Extension, CLI, and an AI-powered Codemod Studio for creating custom codemods.

Take our product for a spin & report any issues with just 1 click. We are curious to know how we can make the entire migration experience 10x better for you.

NOTE: The automation coverage for large projects with custom business logic will be lower. For such cases, ping me! We have the right tools & talent to fully take the migration off of your plate & potentially save your team weeks of engineering time!

FAVOR TO ASK: Once you test our free & OSS tool & find it useful, please retweet & share this with your network so they can use it too!

from pages to app.png

From Pages to App: Next.js Migration with Intuita

In this post, I'll touch on the following topics: